Month of March : Serpentine Sweet 16 [Shop Ends: March 31st]
Minor updates [A Few New Changes] : Raffle Results!

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Forum Profile

Points: 19,544,010
Pass Orbs: 2,163

Report User

Prize Points: 277
Ranking: 55
Joined: Sat. Mar. 28/09
Last seen: Tue. Jan. 28/25 (Mobile)
User group: Donors
From: Germany
Viewing user: Manah

  • No nickname
      —Shiny Fomantis

    Lv. 100

Manah's Profile

Journal last updated: Friday, January 26th 2018 at 7:49 PM
Timezone: GMT+1

Chocolate Miltank (Jan 5) random
Mega Blaziken (Dec 22) random
Wurmple (Dec 21) random
Marill (Dec 20) random
Cutiefly (Dec 12) #416
Rockruff (Dec 12) #347
Magikarp [Blue] (Oct 10) random

Shiny Teams
Omega Ruby:
Swampert (M) / Gardevoir (F) / Breloom (M) / Pyroar (M) / Mawile (F) / Rotom

Delphox (F) / Florges [Red] (F) / Pangoro (F) / Gogoat (F) / Aegislash (F) / Malamar (F) /
Heliolisk (F) / Dragalge (F)

White 2:
Samurott (M) / Leavanny (M) / Excadrill (F) / Vanilluxe (F) / Volcarona (F) / Galvantula (M)

Serperior (F) / Musharna (F) / Seismitoad (M) / Scrafty (M) / Eelektross (M) / Chandelure (M)

Meganium (F) / Ampharos (F) / Quagsire (M) / Kadabra (M) / Sudowoodo (F) / Arcanine (M)

Venusaur (M) / Raichu (F) / Dugtrio (M) / Alakazam (F) / Vaporeon (F) / Arcanine (M)

Empoleon (M) / Rapidash (F) / Luxray (M) / Roserade (F) / Weavile (F) / Bronzong

Swampert (M) / Mightyena (M) / Gardevoir (F) / Breloom (M) / Manectric (M) / Sableye (F)

Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team:
Eevee (F) / Chikorita (M)

Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time:
Mudkip (F) / Cyndaquil (M)

Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity:
Snivy (F) / Oshawott (M)

Shadows of Almia:
Mime Jr. (F)
Manah has no recent activity.

Manah's Showcased Achievements

Kanto Legend (Jun 4/11)
Johto Legend (Jun 7/11)
Hoenn Legend (Jun 1/11)
Sinnoh Legend (Jun 1/11)
Unova Legend (Jan 4/13)
Pokedex Master Plus (Mar 23/12)
Elite Explorer (Jan 2/13)
Insatiably Curious (Feb 19/13)
I Am Legend (Apr 13/12)
Dedicated (Sep 24/11)
Good Luck (Jan 27/13)
Lucky Day (Jan 2/13)
Elite Clicker (Jan 17/13)
Master Collector (Jan 2/13)